What is the origin of your derby name and number?
It has my last name incorporated in it and #406 because I'm from Montana
Derby Birthday: June 1 2016
Age: 26
Height: 5'4"
Likes: Hanging out with friends and playing with my kids.
Dislikes: Spiders and drama.
How has derby impacted your life? I love being able to support our Community with Derby such as Volunteering and Fundraising!! And love to be active as well.
What are your non-derby hobbies? Razor Riding. Going on Trips.
What do you do in real life? We own a Oilfield business
What is the most fun and rewarding part of derby? Community Service

Behind the bandannas...
What is the origin of your derby name and number?
My name was given to me by my teammates. I struggled with choosing a name for myself so was happy when my teammates took that challenge on with me. I was told my personality resembled a cheerleader. So I became Pom-Pom :) For my number I kept it simple and went with my birthday #13
Derby Birthday: 2016. I'm fresh meat!
Age: 32
Height: 5'1"
Likes: I love life. I have a super hot husband, my children are picture perfect, I have an amazing job. I've worked very hard to get to where I am today. It's good!
Dislikes: I don't like Confrontation
How has derby impacted your life? I don't feel like I can answer that question honestly. I'm still learning the fundamentals and getting to know my teammates.
What are your non-derby hobbies? Fishing, reading, walking, hanging out with the fam, cooking. Normal mom stuff and more fishing.
What do you do in real life? I work full time as a legal assistant.
What is the most fun and rewarding part of derby? Skating is fun, it doesn't matter how tough my day is, it's always fun to skate.
Random Fact: Green eye color is the rarest color found around the world, and it is estimated that only around 2% of the world's population has naturally green colored eyes.
"Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people."
- Eleanor Roosevelt

Pom-Pom #13
What is the origin of your derby name and number? My friends called me Ammo while growing up, just played with it and came up with Ammonition :) My number is my birthday: #22
Derby Birthday: January 2009, took a 4 year break and I'm back at it again!
Age: 27
Height: 5'8"
Likes: My family, derby, fishing, and riding dirt bikes ;)
Dislikes: BUGS and snakes!
How has derby impacted your life? It has completely changed my life for the better.
What are your non-derby hobbies? Family, dirt bikes, and fishing.
What do you do in real life? I'm a mother to the best 8 year old twins in the world. And I work lol.
What is the most fun and rewarding part of derby? Hitting people and working together as a team! Knowing you'll make it through the pack because of your teammates is the best feeling.
Random Fact: My inner child is a jerk.
Ammonition #22

"When you die, we split your gear."
What is the origin of your derby name and number? I wanted something strong and native. I went with Pocahontas of Pain, it was shortened to pop, true to form I had to be picky about my name. One of my derby sisters helped me come up with pocaHAUNT-Us, now I'm called poca for short and couldn't be happier.I'm such a dork I googled perfect numbers and my age at the time just happened to be one. 28 it was!
Derby Birthday: Walked in to my first practice in December 2012
Age: 32
Height: 5'9"
Likes: Family time outdoors, Eeyore, the color purple, hitting people on the track!
Dislikes: SPIDERS, mean people and the 7th penalty!
How has derby impacted your life? It has completely changed who I am. More confidence, more healthy, more involved in the community, more happy, more experiences, more responsibilities, more friends, & more family!
What are your non-derby hobbies? Non-derby??? What's this? I sometimes enjoy doing crafting, reading, bicycling with my family and coloring in my adult coloring books!
What do you do in real life? Stay at home Wife & Super Mom
What is the most fun and rewarding part of derby? The game itself is the funnest thing. I always get a little sad at the end of the bout, just wanting to keep playing! The most rewarding would have to be a cross between the slimmer figure achieved by having fun and the ability to give back to the community through fundraisers. To want to help people and actually be able to do something about it!
Random Fact: I am a proud member of the Karuk Tribe of California
pocaHAUNT-Us #28

"I don't know what I can do, still I know I've got to try."
Noc'in'it #78

"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them."
What is the origin of your derby name and number? Knocky is the name I was given when I was 2 why you say? Well... I knocked on doors and knocked over everything rocking the ride on toy shoe down stairs😊 I was a bit rough. So naturally it stuck! My # 78 it's my year and I can say I was born in the 70's
Derby Birthday: 2016
Age: 38 but still feel like 29 probably will for many more years
Height: 5'5.5"
Likes: Family time, sound of my wheels as I'm hauling on the track, putting on my gear an becoming Noc'n'it, any football team that beats the Vikings!! ect..
Dislikes: Negativity, snobby people! not catching walleye, Viking fans always saying " maybe next year" (probably not)!! Not landing a jump!
How has derby impacted your life? Derby has opened the door for me and my family to be confident energetic, competing,
having open arms welcoming the derby families. Fun and more fun! The absolute for me is my son wanting to skate board and BMX picking out gear for him was a proud moment for me. He still wants to be with his momma all geared up and on wheels!! Short time before he's a teen and hates the world so I'll take what I can get.
What are your non-derby hobbies? Family time, cooking, fishing, sports, art, camping and 4wheeling. Bbq's with friends
What do you do in real life? I'm a barista
What is the most fun and rewarding part of derby? Getting together with my crazy derby chicks! The encouragement that's given at every practice but also being a part of something fun and great!
Random Fact: I hate my socks being dirty
What is the origin of your derby name and number?
My initials spell M.A.D. and "hit-her" is a pun on hatter. Cuz, I'm a huge fan of Alice in Wonderland! #88 is double infinity.
Derby Birthday: 6/2016
Age: I'm not telling!
Height: 5'8"
Likes: Denver Broncos!!!, country music, sunsets,
Dislikes: spiders, dishes!
How has derby impacted your life? Comraderiery, fitness
What are your non-derby hobbies? Puzzles, antiquing, needle work, painting
What do you do in real life? Raise a family, Work for oil company
What is the most fun and rewarding part of derby? Community work
Random Fact: A crocodile can't stick out it's tongue.
M.A.D. Hit-Her #88

"Have I gone mad? I'm afraid so, but let me tell you something, the best people usually are."
-Mad Hatter

Graham Crack-Her #406
What is the origin of your derby name and number? It's describes me very well. My husband picked it out for me. My #8 goes well with the name
Derby Birthday: May 2016
Age: 36
Height: 5'2"
Likes: Family time, Crafts, Working out & Cleaning
Dislikes: Spicey foods, Drama
How has derby impacted your life? Met new people.
What are your non-derby hobbies? Cleaning, Shopping, Crafts
What do you do in real life? I'm a stay at home Mother & Wife
What is the most fun and rewarding part of derby? Getting in shape & some good Conversations
Random Fact: I was married at 18 and have been married to my husband now for 18 years!
Nio-Late-Her #8

"Life is what you make of it."
What would your derby name be???
Derby Birthday: The day you show up!
Age: 18 - Unlimited
Height: Any
Likes: Physical activity, community service and having fun
Dislikes: Sitting at home bored
How has derby impacted your life? Possibilities are endless!
What is the most fun and rewarding part of derby? That's for you to decide.
Random Fact: Skating for 1 hour each week burns 600 calories.


Photo Credit:
Snapping Turtle Photography