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1st Recruitment Booth
1st Recruitment Booth

Roller Derby in WC
"Watford will soon welcome a new roller derby team"

Named Bakken Bandit's
"The new roller derby team was named the Bakken Bandit's"

Founder tours RRC
WCRD Founder tours the Rough Rider Center

Original Bandits
Describe your image.

Homefest Bake Sale
Describe your image.

Describe your image.

Homefest 50/50 Winner
Describe your image.

Ribfest Photo Contest Winner

Ribfest 50/50 Winner

Back the Blue Rally

Bandits Back the Blue




Destination Derby Day!

Guest Coach Torrid

aka Author Sharyl Rains

Donated to the library

Rough Rider Center Tour

Rough Rider

Grand Opening

Snake Oil Concessions


Car Wash Fundraiser

Crunch for a Cause

Trunk or Treat

WCRD Parade Of Lights

Parade of Lights

Gift Wrapping @ Eagles

Eagle's Club Donation

Blue Santa's Donation

Rookie of the Year

NSO of the Year

Juggler of the Year

Let Me At'Em Award

MVP of the Year

Most Missed Award

Twinkle Toes Award

Up & Comer Award
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